Screening is the first operation at any wastewater treatment works. This process essentially involves the removal of large non-biodegradable and floating solids that frequently enter a wastewater works, such as rags, papers, plastics, tins, containers and wood. Efficient removal of these constituents will protect the downstream plant and equipment from any possible damage, unnecessary wear & tear, pipe blockages and the accumulation of unwanted material that will interfere with the required wastewater treatment processes. Fine screens are used to remove material that may cause operation & maintenance problems in downstream processes, particularly in systems that lack primary treatment. Typical opening sizes for fine screens are 3 to 10mm. With advances in screening technology, fine screens with openings of less than 3mm are now utilised to reduce suspended solids to levels near those achieved by primary clarification. Most modern wastewater treatment plants will utilise a combination of coarse and fine screening (i.e. upstream coarse screens providing protection to downstream fine screens). Plants utilising mechanically cleaned screens will normally have a standby screen in place, which can be put into operation should the primary screening device be removed from service for maintenance reasons, or in the event of mechanical failure. GAH Global, provides most comprehensive range of screening equipment for almost every application in Stainless Steel construction to suit the process requirement. The Screening equipment can be supplied for Light, Medium & Heavy duty services for positive debris removal from water / wastewater. The Screening equipment are fabricated and assembled in the production warehouse for adequate testing and then shipped to the customer. |